Valley Healthcare
Virtual Health Care
In-Person Medical Care
Occupational Health
Counselling and Social Work Services
Courses for Health Professionals and more…
(Click on the services tab or scroll down for a complete list of programs that we provide)
We are Growing…
Our website is under construction as we continue to add new programs to serve you better. Please check back often…
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Our Services
(*Some services may not be available in all areas. We are working hard to expand service areas. Please check back often…)
Virtual Health Care - Physician, NP & RN E-Visits (virtual visits available NB wide)
In-Person Health Care (Saint John, NB)
Specimen Collection - Clinic and In-home (Saint John & surrounding areas)
Workplace Programs - Vaccination clinics, Pre-employment Health screening, Wellness Programs, etc. (available NB wide)
Counselling and Social Work Services
Virtual Courses for Health Care Professionals (available Canada wide)
Virtual Health Care - Physician, NP & RN E-Visits (available NB wide)
In-Person Doctor Appointments (available in Saint John, NB)
Book an in-person medical appointment at our affiliated, after-hours clinic in Saint John, NB.
Call (506) 657-9355 for an appointment
*This clinic is not for medical emergencies. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911, or proceed to the nearest emergency department.
Specimen Collection & Simple Procedure Clinic
We offer a specimen collection & simple procedure clinic every Wednesday at The Medicine Shoppe in Grand Bay-Westfield, NB. Please click on the link below to book an appointment.
Occupational Health
If you’re looking for employment drug testing, occupational health services including: medical and physical evaluations, vision & hearing testing, functional fitness testing, training to improve your occupational health programs, or vaccination programs, you’ve come to the right place. We can help ensure that you are providing a healthy and safe workplace for your valued employees. Book a consultation through our website today…
Counselling and Social Work Program